


What is Stewardship?

God created everything. Everything is His; we are blessed to take care of it for His glory. Stewardship is our grateful response as Christian disciples who recognize, receive and cultivate God’s gifts and generously share these gifts as love of God and neighbor.

How do we live our life as a disciple of Christ?

Stewardship is not a program; it is not an add-on to our lives. Being a disciple means recognizing two things. First, we recognize that everything we have been given is a gift from God. Second, we recognize that God calls us to be his collaborators in creation, redemption, and sanctification.

How do we steward God's gifts to us?

At Notre Dame des Victoires, we organize the stewardship life into three areas: Prayer, Participation, and Giving. Living out these areas fully helps us fulfill our call to encounter Christ and make disciples.

Explore how to apply stewardship to your life!

Stewardship of Prayer

"Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always."
(1 Chronicles 16:11)

As good stewards, we recognize that prayer is the most fundamental component of the spirituality of stewardship. All of us are called to make time daily for God through solitary and communal prayer.

Join us for Mass, Reconciliation or Adoration to steward your prayer life. Praying the rosary is another great practice to kickstart a habit of prayer.

Mysteries of the Rosary

Stewardship of Participation

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord."
(Romans 12:11)

God gives us our gifts so that we may share them with others to build God’s kingdom. As a result, we are all called to serve one another out of love for God.

Do you know that you have special gifts and talents that God has given you? You can explore the ministries at Notre Dame des Victoires that can help you grow and share your gifts. If you are unsure of what your talents or gifts are, do not worry. Have faith that God has blessed you with talents and pray that he may open your heart to discovering them!

Ministries at NDV

Stewardship of Finances

"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you."
(Deuteronomy 16:17)
Why is it important to give?

We recognize that everything we have is a gift from God. This includes our material wealth. In gratitude for God’s generosity, we dedicate a portion of these gift to furthering God’s kingdom.

How can I give?

Online giving & planned giving into the basket each week at Mass. You may click on the button below and create an account to begin online giving.

Online Giving
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