Annual Appeal


"Love your neighbor as yourself."

 Matthew 22:39

As Catholics, we use our gifts and talents to serve and demonstrate our love for our neighbors. Indeed, instead of asking who our neighbors are, Catholics ask, “…is there anyone who is not our neighbor?” 

Through the AAA, parishioners in the Archdiocese unite as one, assist our neighbors in need, and provide hope. The gifts received through the Appeal support ministries, programs, and services at a level that an individual donor or individual parish would not be able to, by itself. We demonstrate God’s grace through the AAA by supporting such critical needs as youth and young adults, parish schools and students, social ministries, ecumenical efforts, and the greater Church. 

Donate to the AAA

We ask for your help in instilling in the hearts of Catholics throughout the Archdiocese a true sense of stewardship and a recognition that our family of faith extends beyond our individual parish boundaries. Following are a few specific ways that you help change lives through making a gift to the AAA. Your generosity supports:

Catholic Schools Teacher Incentive Grants - one teacher notes, “The Incentive grant has helped me become a more responsive educator. It’s helped me assess my students’ needs and respond to them more effectively by providing a nurturing environment where they can continue to learn and grow as a whole person. It has made a tremendous impact on my life and the lives of my students.” 

Ongoing Education for our Priests - in the words of one Pastor, "Our world is a challenging place to live in and to minister in. As priests we are called to be ministers of God's Word in the world that we find ourselves…and that world is very different from what it was when we went to seminary, whether it was five years ago or 50 years ago. Continuing education for priests is important to understand the world and how to best minister in it. And we wouldn't be able to engage in this continuing education if not for the support of the Annual Appeal."

Restorative Justice – the Restorative Justice program assists crime victims and their families, offenders, the incarcerated, and their families. The family of one young man killed in San Francisco said that without the Restorative Justice ministry, they “…would not have been able to meet other families already supported by this ministry, and through this support group they find comfort in the journey of their healing.”

Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration of this request. You impact lives.

Ways to Give

One-Time Gift

  • Online gifts can be paid by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or by an ACH direct debit transfer from a bank account.
  • By using the brochure: include your check or indicate other payment method
  • Please make check payable to Archdiocese of San Francisco Annual Appeal and write Notre Dame Des Victoires Church in the memo section on your check. Mail the brochure and check to your parish or the Archdiocese (preferred).

Archdiocese of San Francisco Annual Appeal

1 Peter Yorke Way

San Francisco, CA 94108

  • Gifts may also be made via transfer of stock or property.

Pledged Gift

  • Pledged gifts (recurring gifts) require that the donor specifies an amount for their gift and the number of months over which he/she would like to make payments.
  • If a pledge is initiated at the parish, the pledge form must be forwarded to the Finance Office of the Archdiocese.
  • Monthly pledge statements are mailed to each parishioner who has made a pledge. A self-addressed return envelope is included for the donor’s use when remitting payment.
  • Recurring online gifts can be paid by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or by an ACH direct debit transfer from a bank account.

Stocks & Mutual Fund Shares

  • All gifts of stock require an authorization letter from the donor or the donor’s representative. Transfer instructions for stock or mutual fund donations may be obtained by contacting the NDV parish office at 415-397-0113 or emailing

Matching Gifts

  • Some companies offer matching gifts. Encourage your parishioners to check with their employers to see if this is the case.

100% of the funds raised in excess of our parish’s goal of are returned to the parish for its own use .

Donate to the Annual Appeal
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